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HomeOpinionTherapy is a Scam! – The truth about mental health and big...

Therapy is a Scam! – The truth about mental health and big pharma  

Therapy’s positive effects are impossible to deny- decades of research have proven it to be an effective treatment. Despite this, therapy is plagued with the same issues as the rest of healthcare, namely financial issues and exploitation. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels.

Yes, you read that right; therapy is a scam. In a world where phrases like “mental health matters” seem to greet you every direction you look, it almost seems forbidden to utter the kind of remark you’d expect from your grandfather who exclaims, “therapy is for suckers!” While I don’t hold the sentiment that therapy has no value, he does raise a point: Are therapists really swindling our money? The short answer is yes, the field of professional help and the pharmaceutical industry is rigged with financial traps and emotional roller-coasters that run for as far as the skeptic’s eye can see. 

The last decade worked hard to destigmatize mental illnesses, and contemporary culture finally recognizes that everyone can benefit from therapeutics, not just “those crazy people that belong in the loony bin,” as the older generation says. However, if you haven’t been dragged into the mess of professional help, there’s a misconception that once you finally seek a therapist, their help will…help. 

Therapists are never available to begin with, and after months of waiting for a consultation, you enter Susan’s soothing lavender room, complete with a stress toy and a place to vent. But on your second visit, you realize Susan only asked variations of “so how does that make you feel?”,  made surface level insights, and suggested general coping mechanisms that could be doled out to anyone. You walk out feeling more anxious than when you walked in, and that complementary stress ball is soon to be on life support. You end up asking yourself, “is this what therapy was all cracked up to be? No thank you, I think I’ll stick to my beer and Sunday football.” 

The typical rebuttal is “you just have to find the one you click with!” But why should I, the patient, have to go on a wild-goose-chase for a therapist that “works” for me? They should just…work. A highly qualified therapist would be sharp and strategically personalize their treatments for each of their clients. Leapfrogging through the field of therapists illustrates a fundamental flaw in our approach to treatment. Clearly, schools of psychology need to increase the rigor of their programs and raise the standards to be a certified therapist. To put it into perspective, we easily give doctors access to our bodies; their job is to maintain our physical health. Would you trust therapists to have unrestricted access to the depths of your mind because their job is to maintain our mental health? Would you be okay with allowing a surgeon who botched surgeries sometimes?   

Therapy can be life saving for some people. This makes the long wait times to find a therapist who’s right for you and the financial gates blocking off expensive options all the more harmful to patients who are seeking help. Photo by Alex Green from Pexels.

Getting legitimate therapy isn’t the only factor draining our pockets. The pharmaceutical realm shamelessly capitalizes off the increase in diagnoses for mental illness. “Big Pharma” is a running joke amongst younger generations, because no matter what economic logic you come up with, it all boils down to a gut feeling: Profiting off of someone suffering just doesn’t sound right. Corporations are incentivized to prolong the misery of patients, forcing consumers to rely on their pharmaceuticals. It’s no secret that corporate America rarely shies away from the chance to play with lives; they certainly haven’t hesitated to use the trivialization of mental disorders to their advantage.  

This is also where accessibility comes into play. Your favorite pill-pushing company may brand themselves as a “family company,” but which families are we really talking about here? Prescription anxiety medication is likely to earn a scoff in most marginalized communities. We circle back to the age-old controversy: should those on the lower rungs of the socio-economic ladder still have the right to healthcare in spite of their inability to pay for it? Do marginalized groups not deserve therapists, medications and an improved standard of living? Or is it just tough luck, since they didn’t “work hard enough” for that white picket fence that anyone can earn in good old America? 

In the end, whether you’re rich or poor, one thing seems clear: we still have a lot of work to do in order to evolve our idea of what good, effective therapy looks like. We need to recognize these petty, stubborn mindsets are keeping us from focusing on reaching a point where the answer to “Do you think having a therapist is essential?” is “Yes.” And if we were to indulge a lofty prediction, when doctors’ physical check-ups are automated, perhaps therapists and psychiatrists will ironically become a “no-brainer”. Until then, do your research before shelling out cash for those pricey medications and wasting precious time on finding a decent therapist. Or as grandpa would put it: Don’t be a sucker! 


    • I’d be interested in hearing your opinion! Please feel free to elaborate, I by no means believe there is any right answer and I’d love to see things from a different perspective on this topic.

      • Therapist of a decade here-It’s sad this is your experience and also I think you’re right that many poorly-equipped therapists out there exist. But I do a hell of a lot more than what you described my job as. Hence the masters degree and thousands of dollars spent on additional trainings. Many of us are not just the “tell me how you feel about that” and sit and stare at you type. We do specific interventions to heal trauma and rewire your brain. It Helps to ask a therapist what their trainings are. If I took people’s money and all I did was what you described above, I would quickly become extremely depressed myself as that would be very insulting to my intelligence and so boring and unethical I’d hate my own life and feel utterly pathetic. Quality therapists do much more work than what you described and spend hours and hours and tons of dollars refining our craft.

        This sounds like someone who just graduated grad school. Because if you stop there from a mediocre program and don’t do additional trainings, then yes that could be what you get, if they were a poor student and/or someone older who is just burned out and didn’t keep up with more trainings.

        I feel deep compassion for your experience, as that is extremely frustrating and absolutely is not right. But many of us do exist and sacrificed a lot to be in this field so we could truly help change people’s lives. It’s important to also remember however, which is KEY, that unlike a surgeon, we cannot fix you. If you have that expectation you will be disappointed. We can help guide you to healing yourself. Only you can do that, not us. That said, I have utilized advanced tools such as EMDR to guide clients towards radical healing. (E.g. substantially healing severe chronic childhood trauma in 8 90-minute EMDR sessions). But that is rare. This journey takes time and effort on both sides of the relationship. And it’s not as clear-cut as a one-time surgery of course because mental health is affected by so many factors, the mind, the physical body, and the spirit and the social context and political climate, community, family etc. so it’s not going to be quick in most cases. But I do make sure clients see results or I refer out. The treatment must be driven by ways to measure progress and results.

        I encourage those reading to ask a potential therapist which trainings they have taken, what their speciality area is, and what the average length of treatment time is for their clients. Also let them know if you’re the type of client that loves space to talk and verbally process or someone more interested in tools or trauma healing. Clients want different things and value different pathways to getting there so being clear and upfront on a consult call can also help determine fit.

        Best wishes. I wish our system was better. (I didn’t even touch on meds bc that’s a whole long story, total mess too).

      • Dear Riya…you can definitely prove it!! Just do research in well respected sources for medical information, such as NIH & JAMA. The scant studies about therapy are slim but what you will find is that “therapy is only effective 30-50% of the time at best!!! This is a fact dude. In fact studies conclusion actually rate hypnotherapy at 80% effectiveness! I bet that blows your mind!

  1. This article definitely seems to describe my experience with therapy. I went through a very public trauma that the local therapists went so far as to rent out a concert hall to talk to the people who were there and tell us all we needed therapy. I dodged it for a year, then finally succumbed to the pressure (it’s bullying, let’s not kid ourselves) to “get help.” Four years later I’m worse off, because the only thing that got “helped” was therapists helping themselves to my bank account. I have all the same symptoms, but now also I worry about therapy taking advantage of me. I got threatened with hospitalization twice without ever being so much as rude or mentioning any kind of violence or harm to myself or others. I need help, but it seems needing help is very different from someone being capable of providing help. 4 years, 3 therapists, countless visits, and yet not one single formal named therapy technique applied. No EMDR, no desensitization, no CBT, nothing. Just showing up feeling bad, then leaving feeling worse, every single session. I feel utterly betrayed. I gave them so many chances, was never rude, always paid my bill on time, but I just wasn’t worth helping, and I was literally told I was too foregone with too many traumas to be helped. Imagine the blow that was to me, especially after paying so much for the help I was promised. How am I not supposed to feel lied to, taken advantage of, and played for a sucker?

    • I always wonder why they make so much. It’s not brain surgery. They don’t even half to offer advice or tell you want to do. They’re basically an ear listening. Which is not what I wanted.

      • they also push antidepressants on people which are very dangerous and not worth the risky side effects they have. what they are doing by handing these drugs out to millions is reckless and dangerous

    • I “had” borderline personality disorder from so many traumas and psychology did not help me much. Jesus did. He is the only way out, he can carry and heal every trauma you have ever had. He loves us beyond imagination. We are precious in his eyes! Seek first God and everything else will fall into place. Give him your entire life and he will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.

      • they label and categorize people in every way possible. which doesn’t help anyone except for the therapist. that ensures they will always have a flow of clients and $$$$$

      • The best therapy for you to try is DBT created by Marsha Linehan, especially for those suffering from BPD.
        Additionally go to a therapist who is actually certified in DBT!
        Many claim to use it but don’t let them fool you into believing they are good at it unless they’re certified by the DBT institute.
        You can find Marsha Linehan on youtube.

  2. I just finished calling to make an appointment with a therapist via Kaiser. The entire time, all I could feel was dread and all I could think about was what roll of the dice was I going to get this time? I’m 29 years old and have lived a miserable life, honestly. I’ve seen countless therapists who I couldn’t “vibe” with, many of whom wanted to reeeeeally push for anti-depressants. And hey, I’ve been there done that as well. Tried about 4 different onces, each with its own pros and cons. In the end, they all ultimately had the same effect. I was more numb to emotions, so negative experiences didn’t hurt as bad, but positive experiences barely felt like anything. I felt empty and dead. And even when on anti-depressants, I would realize this, begin to feel sad but couldn’t because of the drugs. These drugs just suppress the sadness but it never goes away, not unless addressed through actual competent psychotherapy. Competent practice is difficult to find nowadays. I’m saying this coming from California which has the strictest standards for becoming licensed; I can only imagine what it’s like in other states. The best progress I’ve ever made was tackling these things on my own with magic mushrooms. If you do it right, it works. Places are finally starting to incorporate psilocybin with their practices. Big pharma isn’t going to like that unless they get their cut, and here starts the BS politics all over again which is actually a big contributor to my existential dread.

      • They have no idea what they are doing when they make suggestions like that and need to find a different field of work because that isn’t proper help

    • I will never ask any of them for help after all they did was push antidepressant poison pills on me and ask me to talk about my issues which does nothing. what a joke

    • I will never ask for any of their “help again”. Oddly enough whenever I asked for their “help” my life got worse. All they did was push antidepressants on me to destroy my spirit and soul and tell me to discuss my issues which did absolutely nothing to help me. But they don’t care. they can’t be bothered to actually help people. just give them drugs and force them to listen to your bullshit “suggestions”. what a pathetic disgrace this system is. and it could have been so much better.

  3. it is a scam. I’ve experienced sub-par service from three different providers in Tucson. Don’t call that suicide hotline, it’s a scam too.

    • Some are getting well over 150 for not even a full hour. Then they don’t answer their phones, because they are too cheap to hire a receptionist.

    • It’s more than a scam. What they are doing is flat out dangerous, reckless, and irresponsible. they are playing games with peoples lives and their minds for money. antidepressants are very dangerous and risky drugs, they have a long list of side effects and the risk just isn’t worth it but they hand them out to millions of people like they are candy. it is unnerving just how many people are on antidepressants. they destroy your emotions and make you numb to the world around you. I know because I have tried them before.

  4. It’s an easy way to make money. How can someone out of school, with very little life experience, actually help someone?
    How can they know more, or know better?
    Just what are they supposed to be delivering, for $155 an hour?

    • they act like they know better and can help you but they don’t know anything about life like you said and they don’t even know anything about themselves.

  5. Good article, but it didn’t go nearly far enough. Most of this stuff is expensive and based on practices like CBT that are, according to some sources, no more effective than placebo.

    • what about TMS as well which they act like is no big deal but can like erase your memories and stuff because you are literally shocking your brain with electricity. we have some true geniuses among us here folks

  6. Complete opposite of my experience with therapy, all of the ones I’ve spoken to have been readily available and always answer their phones when I call. Also the therapist/surgeon analogy is bad because everyone’s insides are the same, but everyone’s brains and how trauma is processed are not. Which is also why you need to find a therapist that works for you. By the logic used in the article, shouldn’t every writer be able to create an article that bangs it out of the park and be great if they follow everything they’re taught and adjust their writing for every person that reads it? Instead of writing poorly researched articles like this one, one that doesn’t even talk to an expert before making some pretty audacious claims? An article that people only arrive to when they google “is therapy a scam”? Unsurprising, since this is something written by someone in their 20s though.

    And in response to good old Doug above me here, some sources do say that CBT isn’t effective, sure. That’s how science research works. MORE sources describe it as a very effective method and recommend it.

    In conclusion, shut up go to therapy.

    • I think I do know how science research works. I have a PhD. Do you? The meta-analysis of studies seems to suggest that CBT doesn’t work. The article is not poorly researched at all. And I’m not “Good Old Doug.” So, saying things like “Shut up and go to therapy” is pretty regressive. You need to read more.

      • So, essentially anyone who doewssn’t have a “PhD” (even if it’s in creative writing), isn’t qualified to formulate their own opinion, beliefs and conclusions?

    • THANK YOU. If everyone could see at the top of the article, this physically says “OPINION” article. This is an opinionated argument. This is anecdotal evidence and is, by no means, indicative of real research.

  7. Therapy was the biggest scam and worst experience of my adult life. I have no idea what the women I hired was supposed to be doing. I would directly ask and she would answer nothing or she didn’t know. I was told it gets worse before it gets better -but why? And why can’t those people tell you what they do to get paid? Other than sit there. I think they choose therapy as a profession because there is so little oversight and unless they blatently steal money or sleep with a client – they are protected. Therapy is horrible.

    • Therapy has never done anything to help me it only wasted my time and energy that I will never be able to get back

  8. Our corporate health insurers have successfully segregated mental health professionals into two categories:

    A. The Competents who you want to see; but they won’t accept insurance assignment of benefits, so you can’t afford them.

    B. The Incompetents who accept insurance assignment of benefits, but you don’t want to see because they are either:
    1. Clock-watchers who don’t listen, want to keep visits brief for higher patient volume, and just write Rx’s for addictive psych drugs so the patient is “locked in” for life to psych medication.

    2. Concerned, caring counselors who unfortunately are so disorganized in their office practices that they soon abandon their practices. They listen and hand out pamphlets and treatment plans, but aren’t around for the followup care.

  9. Thankyou for this article…Thankyou!!! More has to be said on this subject. The brow raising that I get for mentioning anything bad about therapist is insane here in Prescott AZ. It’s become taboo to speak negatively about therapy in general. It seems a slippery slope that Americans have accepted it as a norm.

    • they have way too much power over society when you can’t speak out against their pathetic failure of a mental health system which is clearly is to anyone with half a brain cell left

  10. This is for John. My PhD isn’t in creative writing. It’s in literature, an interpretive field. I also had a supporting program in the History of Science and Technology. I was also a medical copy editor at WB Saunders Company for three years after Penn. I’m pretty clear about what the scientific method is. Psychology isn’t really science based. You need to be accurate when you check me out. I hope you’re more accurate cost estimating than you are here. As you know, because you checked me out on linked in, I’m an English professor. I also worked at the psychiatry department of the University of Pennsylvania when I was an undergraduate. I worked in the lab that developed the Beck Depression Inventory. I saw first hand how dodgy this entire field is: graduate students roaming the hallways talking about patients, chain smoking post docs, and everybody chasing grant money. So, no, a PhD isn’t necessary. Reading a lot is. And reading accurately is. Whoever made the comment I responded to didn’t offer any real interpretation, just word salad. A new study reports that therapy is at best 30 percent effective. And my PhD isn’t in quotes. As an English professor, I can say, you don’t understand how quotes work. Take care.

    • You don’t. Stop fighting against and failing to accept who and what you are. These illnesses are a reverse fingertrap type deal, and the more you try to remove them, the more suffering takes place.

      You find peace in accepting and being at peace with the illness. Once you are at peace and accept the illness, its grip on you releases and the suffering you feel from the panicked sensations dissipates.

  11. Although this is a experience that many have had, myself included, I really wish you would have worded your article differently. Therapy has saved my life in so many countless ways. I understand the experiences you spoke about and don’t invalidate your feelings, however stating a strong claim such as therapy being a scam can steer so many in search of therapy away from it when it can be just the thing they need. This article could of been written in such a different way, if anything this article does more harm than help darling.

    • ‘darling’ !!! Is the author your significant other that you can call them ‘darling’. Otherwise, I find it patronising.
      https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Darling “A word that being used lately to show your superiority over someone else in a discussion and mock the person you are having argument with.”

    • I hope people are dissuaded from wasting their time, energy and money on therapy. Stop handing money to therapist grifters. Therapists range from useless to flat dangerous. Avoid them.

      • The most dangerous ones are those that push antidepressants on people which have a terrible list of side effects

      • They are nothing but frauds, charlatans, manipulators, and deceivers I agree with you people need to stop supporting their fraud by giving them money

  12. this is 100% spot on, and honestly, doesn’t even go deep enough. so much damage is done in the name of well-meaning that can often make the situation worse. Years of the run-around by therapists that do virtually nothing, the stigma against talking against them, and the hell someone can go through if they ever are in a crisis by an easily abused system and telling the wrong person (see baker’s law/5150ing) that can make the situation that much worse. Oh, and you think its confidential? Don’t kid yourself. The entire psychotherapy industry is largely a grift, and even the grifters have convinced themselves of it. If you speak against it, you’re automatically labeled as someone that needs it.

  13. I’m someone who has been through quite a lot in life, and despite many negative experiences with therapists as a younger person, decided to become one. Initially, I had been involved in systems advocacy and urban community health program development. My motivation stemmed from the desire to “change the field from within” by being the shining example of what a competent, empathetic clinician should be. Life will be your greatest teacher…Doug, I agree with much of your article. Truly talented clinicians are an endangered species, most are nearing retirement. Graduate training programs are a joke, with many opting for online programs, literally churning out droves of new counselors with no understanding of how the field actually is. Post-grad supervision, which is where you master the craft under proper guidance, has become little more than cheap labor for agencies who hire new therapists, overwork them for 3 years until they’re burnt out and opt to do telehealth sessions for an online service. There is no real training: “evidence-based interventions” are mostly just some variations of CBT; (the great DBT, which is just CBT with a some Buddhist ideology thrown in). Thank you for bringing attention to the actual research. , The studies are often problematic and misleading, like much of the research behind the psychiatric drugs. Patients need to be put on separate medications just to manage side effects; children are put on strong neuroleptic medications and psychostimulants. Someone diagnosed with clinical depression is now given an atypical antipsychotic to augment their antidepressant which isn’t working? How about stopping the medication instead of adding ? I’ve seen people Everything is a disorder; the DSM V and its addendums are laughable nonsense with no scientific basis. More meds are given to keep people more symptomatic, more chronic. The system is overwhelmed, understaffed and undertrained. Morale goes down, the quality of care goes down. It is a shame; REAL therapy done well can be incredibly healing. Sadly, much of the field has been reduced to cookie-cutter counseling and a referral to the psychiatrist or APN for meds. And everything can be done via Zoom, for the same fee of course. I walked away from the field; it was starting to feel like I was pimping empathy to people who were desperately seeking guidance. Charging $125 to be compassionate is unethical, amoral, or something insidious somewhere. So… what is the solution? Mindfulness, radical acceptance…guess what? You don’t need to see someone with an advanced degree in psych or counseling to practice any of these…they’ve been appropriated from Eastern philosophies: go to a meditation class, it’ll be a genuine experience.

    • Thank you for your thoughtful inside view. After years of “analysis” five days/week with the constraint t that I would still have to pay if I missed a day, I am still scarred. I was a cash cow.

  14. I’ve seen 40 therapists. I’ve had them fall asleep, hit on me, feign interest, try to push religious beliefs on me, and a hoist of other obvious corruptions, fraud, and deceit.

    I am told the same shit, find the Good Therapist(TM).

    There aren’t any.

    • that’s all I have been told is well and that’s when you know there is no real help for people with mental illnesses. this country’s mental health system doesn’t exist

  15. In my experience, yes – they know it’s a scam and they are smiling about how easy it was to make $300 for two sessions and under an 2 hours. I’ve always felt worse after a session, and with less money, who wins here? The therapist, of course! Some have asked me how much I make and have pressured me into more sessions, how is that therapy? Thankfully, I’ve only had very few sessions and retuning to living life and healing through reading books,nature, music, gratitude, and eating well. My mother in law (who’s a covert narcissist), she’s had a therapist for years – she’s the victim though, even if she’s the bully, and her therapist wants to keep her as a client for the money, so I imagine she doesn’t tell her she’s a narcissist. I’m sure there are some highly qualified therapists who do actually care, but all I see are problems… and more problems. If you are depressed, get blood work done, eat nutrient dense foods, grounding protein like beef, get some Vit D in your system, take a cod liver oil supplement, breathe in fresh hair, read books, exercise, remove foods that are toxic to your system, pick up a hobby, get off social media, start distancing yourself from people who aren’t good for you, make new friends, go out in public and you’ll see that your social anxiety has decreased significantly, just by doing some of these things. You are able to heal without a therapist, but if you need someone to talk to and have the money – make sure you choose wisely. I’m sure EMDR can work for some, but it’s not for everyone, and not all therapists offer this treatment anyway.

  16. As a board certified psychiatrist I have practiced over 30 years, and sadly, and honestly, feel badly for people who just want to get help living their lives. I have been through a Freudian analysis and general therapy and feel that there is a great deal about this field to give one pause. Ideally each therapist would be trained in evidence based treatment, however I have doubts about the effectiveness of what is considered evidence based therapy. There might be a self selection of people learning how to be a therapist so that they can help themselves. I wish I had understood the pitfalls, both ethically and morally, of mental health treatment before deciding on a specialty. . If I had to do this again I wouldn’t. I feel embarrassed by the field, and by the exploitative practice of charging fees that are not commensurate with the quality of treatment. I have always liked people and enjoy being a support system. However, I am just devastated by the way therapy and psychiatry is practiced these days, and by the lack of empathy and simple kindness that have somehow vanished.

    • The Massachusetts behavioral help line is a joke and what they are doing is dangerous. I was told I have a personality disorder by one person, then another person tells me my brain chemistry is off, nearly everyone pushes the poison pills which makes me seriously question their judgement, they suggest therapy which has never helped me in any way, and worst of all they refuse to listen to what I am saying. There is no mental health system in this country. Just another system with people trying to control and manipulate others. Talk about gaslighting, manipulating, and making someone feel terrible about their condition. I will never ask for help from them again. They have no idea what they are doing. It’s pretty terrifying that this is how the state treats people who have mental illnesses.

  17. Great article. Thank you. It is very hard to say ‘the Emperor has no clothes’ but in this case it’s almost entirely true. There may be well meaning therapists but they are using an invention that was a fraud to begin with. Freud’s fraud of talk therapy. 35 years wasted on these charlatans. I hate them.

  18. So called “mental health professionals” and the pathetically unscientific treatments they offer are definitely a joke. Unfortunately the joke isn’t funny. Since my mid-twenties, I’ve seen an assortment of psychiatrists, social workers and psychologists and have paid them a lot of money – for nothing. Some were definitely hustlers – others were decent people who wanted to help but simply lacked any effective tools. Unfortunately, a real understanding of brain disorders and the development of effective treatments is still many years away. Now, I’m 66 years old – started developing anxiety and depression in my teens – still deal with it – but have created my own coping strategies that allow me to carry on – which includes a lot of physical exercise. Unfortunately, I divide my life into before and after these problems began. I still haven’t been able to restore myself to the happy, confident, fun-loving, outgoing and positive kid I was. Luckily I’m a very stubborn, willful person who simply refuses to give up. I work at being hopeful and continually remind myself to be grateful for what I do have.

  19. The entire mental health industry is a fraud and a scam there is no question about it. There is nothing scientific about psychology, what psychologists are doing is playing games with peoples lives and gaslighting them. I am never asking for help again from anyone involved in it. I have had depression and anxiety for years which have only been worsened by the mental health system. The only two things ever suggested are therapy. which doesn’t help me and “medication” which is actually poison. Antidepressants are very dangerous drugs and psychiatrists have been reckless by prescribing these to so many people. The fact that you can’t even say anything about this is beyond ridiculous. What an evil and corrupt system this is. Thanks to this pathetic failure of a system my mental health has declined over the years and I have developed physical illnesses as well. I don’t trust therapists now thanks to the experiences I’ve had.

  20. All the mental health system does is label people whose behaviors are not accepted or convenient for society. Then categorize people even further to make them feel even worse about themselves. All it does it manipulate and control people who have different views and opinions. The mental health system was never created to help any of us but to control us and manipulate us. There is no real help for mental illness. All they care about is money. There are no real interactions anymore and there is no humanity left anymore. They have failed us all

  21. The Massachusetts behavioral help line is a joke and what they are doing is dangerous. I was told I have a personality disorder by one person, then another person tells me my brain chemistry is off, nearly everyone pushes the poison pills which makes me seriously question their judgement, they suggest therapy which has never helped me in any way, and worst of all they refuse to listen to what I am saying. There is no mental health system in this country. Just another system with people trying to control and manipulate others. Talk about gaslighting, manipulating, and making someone feel terrible about their condition. I will never ask for help from them again. They have no idea what they are doing. It’s pretty terrifying that this is how the state treats people who have mental illnesses.

  22. LOL! So many angry therapists and patients attacking you for your opinions. Thanks for having the courage to illuminate the truth about psychology that nobody else will admit. I have a lot of experience with therapy because I always bought into the idea of it however after having wasted my time with over about 6-9 therapists I can say wholeheartedly that most therapists are completely useless. Out of all the therapists I’ve had only one was smart. The biggest problem is. as a profession, they never allow their modalities to be tested and scrutinized like real science does. There is only one therapy I’m aware of that has any proof it’s effective in the hands of a specially trained and skilled therapist and that is DBT. The next biggest problem is the intelligence level of many therapists. Then the problem of not being trained by smart and skilled therapists who have top notch skills for top notch proven therapies. In my experience, the majority of my therapists have not been very smart, totally ineffective and a waste of time and money, and far too young to have any real world real life struggles. The final problem is that the idea that “failed therapy is the fault of the patient not doing therapy correctly” LOL isn’t this attitude actually the spitting image of how individuals with certain personalty disorders think?! I think so! It’s like all “self-help” bullshit…..if you don’t get better there is something wrong with you not the training!
    Reality: there are a few great smart skilled therapists out there but you will most likely never find one and if you’re lucky enough to find one they won’t be accepting new patients! A great coach is far more useful.

  23. You are onto the right stuff. I trained mental health clinics for years and it was common knowledge that for things like drug addiction that they had success rates under 3% after someone had completed the program, but it wasn’t just dismal for addicts.

    Alot are prescribing all kinds of whacky mind altering substances or magical ideas like 5 element theory.

    Keeping this short, I came to the conclusion the field was full of people that wanted to help others but couldn’t cut it in math/science at a high level. So the whole field is basically a flunky dumping field.

    CBT can help but you won’t find anyone that do it competently for under 500 an hour… Its sooo rare.

  24. Hey Jim, you don’t seem very stable even with your medication and therapy. People like you frankly shouldn’t even have the right to vote, you’re part of the problem why the world is such a bad place.

  25. I agree with the person who wrote this keep going on and speaking up who cares about the haters they just cant see it from most peoples insights….therapists are pure garbage psedointellectuals who just love psychology but could never sustain hard times…thats what makes them so ignornant go to 12 they all have the same personality im bryan kohbergers is out in the media because this is the typical pscyh student personality think they are so smart and crush other people because they wouldnt fit in anywhere else so they rely on a dumb masters for ego…

  26. I have to agree that “therapy ” did me more harm than good. I was going 20 years ago for depression. The big diagnosis back then was bipolar. Everyone was bipolar. I’m 56 now, so I’ve seen throughout my life how each decade has its own popular diagnosis. Anyway, they medicated the crap out of my so called mania, to the point where my depression was so bad I couldn’t get out of bed. When I decided not to continue with that therapist, she was totally mean to me! It was ridiculous. Not only did she not help me, she made my condition far worse, and then guilty me for quitting her. I tried a few others afterwards, but they did absolutely nothing for me. Never again.

  27. I was going to therapist for more than one year and when things got complicated she told me I’M NOT SURE I CAN HELP YOU ….
    the first thing she told me to do, in the first session, is to go to psychiatrist and start meds, as a naive person i went and that changed my life and took me into a wild journey that i regret !
    Ok! it was nice to have someone who can listen to you and yes! i discovered new things as traumas and its effect on personality…but the therapy was against my values and ideology! and i wasn’t aware of it! i don’t know but after taking SSRI anti-depressant and anti-anxiety for a while i started making radical changes in my life (I believe anxiety is good because it makes you away from risky behavior), so you can imagine therapy that says “it’s okay, it’s normal” for all the acts and without anxiety i got lost and impulsive behavior took place…
    those acts were a chopping mechanism and self-sabotage, no one was there to help until i told the psychiatrist that i don’t like this life style and that i’m lost and i had a major depression because of self-hate and guilt…
    You know what ? instead of focusing on the WHY and understand the causes i was given bipolar meds 🙂
    OMG! I was really naive and i truely believed i was bipolar…I took those meds for more than 1year 🙁 i got used to it, at first i got sick and remember the risky behaviors and impulse i told you about ? it became more and more after taking the meds for 2-4weeks, i was another person…then i got used to it and i met a wonderful person and i was not alone anymore and it helped! and then i decided to stop the cursed meds and i’m free now for more than 5months…
    moral of the story: Think of what you want and focus on what version of yourself you wanna be, you can talk to a therapist but please make sure they are not against your values and beliefs in this life…and be sure that no one will understand you as YOU!

    Now i need to keep living with the guilt, self-sabotage and anxiety more than before starting this journey…thanks to them they gave me extra traumas …

  28. I totally agree with the author. I feel for the people who shared their bad experiences here. I’ve been there too. The wasted time, money, more emotional pain, feeling interrogated, pressured to talk about things not related to my issue and don’t want to discuss. The “surface level insights” the author mentioned is so true, and the drug issue too.

    Many of us with anxiety and mental illness have trouble expressing ourselves as it is. In therapy it’s worse because of stress, pressure to talk about personal issues and feel completely understood before the session ends. You can come away feeling worse, like a bad person or parent, feel misjudged, anxious, manipulated and misunderstood. You can have a hard time putting your finger on it, especially for someone who is new to therapy.

    Typing or writing out whatever’s bothering me helps a lot. There’s no time limit or pressure. It’s free! You can say anything, swear, whatever, about abusive people, abuse in your background, including abusive therapists. A lot of times it helps me bring things into perspective in my head and make the feelings less overwhelming. I think the human brain has a built-in mechanism for healing.

    I tried online therapy and it seemed helpful, but it was only one time. At least you can go in and change therapists anytime if you need to, and it’s cheaper.

  29. I do enjoy watching the “therapists” bend over backwards to justify their obscene costs, lack of work, and ability to grift every system imaginable. the best is when they can bill the government for “court mandated” therapy. They can charge whatever they want, and they pretend like that legally required therapy would be helpful to anyone. courts here are paying $250-300 for NOT EVEN AN HOUR where they either give you generic self-help book commentary, if any at all, or goad you into saying something to escalate you to involuntary hospitalization, where you have less rights than if you were arrested, plus you’re paying for your jail time. An absolute scam, and “therapists” should be ashamed of themselves for the grift. You’re no better than call center scammers. Psychology may exist and be real as a general subject of study, and medications may have some value, but that doesn’t mean those that practice talk therapy on others are authentic.

  30. I took psychiatric drugs for 10 years for mood stabilizer and anti depressants. It made things worse. Finally I stopped all of it and did so well for next 20 years. I feel like myself with mental clarity. Psychiatrist don’t teach you emotional handling but dump more medicines. Serious kidney and liver damage and memory loss, mania or despair caused by medicines, no one will tell you. Just Google it. I am not the only one.

  31. This article is totally correct. Every person offering therapy is a grifter. They take your money and happily keep booking you but you get NOTHING out of it AT ALL. At this point it’s cost me over $1000 and I’m no better off. I just sacked my latest one. Uneducted, dyslexic and no idea! Triggered me, attacked me, judged me.. I asked to be empowered but instead got further traumatized. Another one turned out to be a psychopathic narcissist… yes, these demons love to be therapists! BE CAREFUL PEOPLE!! Most of these so-called educated idiots have never experienced a hard life so they cannot understand a client’s position in any way. The last one I saw was awful. All of them made me worse! And I paid money for that! Therapy is a TOTAL SCAM!!

  32. This article is spot on! I was married to a woman who worked in mental health even before our marriage and it became a cult. She has bought into the whole I’m a victim and I need therapy and now she started a clinic with her own friend and they make a ton of money pushing therapy on the low income. I have seen with my own eyes how they live a life of luxury traveling all over the world in taxpayers dime.

  33. Hey folks, look up “replication crisis in psychology” and enjoy the validation of your critical feelings. How the folks in psychology are still surviving, I have no idea. I guess it’s because the government funds their research and then buys it back. Like welfare, or something.

  34. A new type of therapy that’s become popular in the UK/Europe is called Rewind Therapy. New studies show talk therapy/CBT doesn’t work well and re-traumatizes people. Rewind therapy only requires a few sessions and in some cases can be done alone. It doesn’t require drugs. I don’t know if it’s very prevalent in America. It certainly won’t generate the kind of money they’re used to here.

    It works on the basis that when a person is traumatized it causes adrenaline and other chemicals to be released in the body. Being in that state of high adrenaline prevents the memory from being processed by the brain like most memories, so it keeps coming up in the form of flashbacks causing anxiety/panic attacks and depression. Experiencing trauma/abuse many times, like childhood trauma, supposedly takes going through the rewind therapy for one experience to get your brain to start processing all the memories of that specific repetitive trauma.

    The book “The Trauma Trap” about rewind therapy is on Kindle for almost nothing. If you Google rewind therapy websites will come up.

  35. Therapy does work. If you want change, you can achieve it. A scam? 6 Who pays to go to school for 4+ years and complete internships (like any other provider) only to scam people? You can scam people with zero education. And, you guys are counting money as a factor. Really? NO, therapy is not effective for everyone. Neither is your medical doctor. Sometimes, you have to keep moving because your symptoms has not improved. The fact that your perspectives is what they are means you are in the shallow end of the water, and guess what? Therapy is not for you. It’s for deeper minded individuals who want to explore the root causes, be mindful of triggers, and make positive choices thereafter. It’s work.

    • Deep minded individuals? It literally only “works” on the LEAST critically minded members of society, who can’t grasp what’s happening when their “therapist” is spouting out random self-help book/motivational speaker drivel.

      If there were real medical interventions for mental illness like chemotherapy is for cancer, therapy would immediately be seen as homeopathy level scams. Because people believe in these idiotic “magical” solutions where they just have to think the right thing or hear the right words in the right order and their brain disease will be cured, there is no research into discovering these real and actual cures. A therapist can’t cure your brain illness anymore than he can talk away cancer.

  36. Therapy promotes “self” which promotes self centered narcissism. You’re not bad as long as you believe you’re not. For everything else, take this pill. I’ve never been to a single therapist thaf made my life better. They’re all politically correct and will declare any beliefs or convictions you have as “bias” that must be eradicated in order to be cured. It seems very clear to me thaf all therapy is is a false religion that converts everyone to that church. I’ll take Christianity instead.

  37. Therapy is a total scam. Years of trying to “get help” has seen any number of narcissistic grifters help themselves to my money and give NOTHING in return. I was never empowered but rather berated, bullied and gaslighted. This field is rife with narcissists.. the last type to give two craps about your trauma but rather take advantage of your traumatized state by abusing you further. Still trying to get a refund from the last grifter. Have reported her to the ACA. Never looking for therapy again. This industry is the biggest lie ever. Forget all these “get help” sites.. unless you want to lose all your money! Better off to put it in the pokies if you’re just gonna chuck money away like that. Therapy is a major SCAM. Don’t do it.

  38. This is a disgusting opinion article. I’m sorry that therapy didn’t work for you, but to belittle it and negate the positive effects of therapy is what is downright dangerous, not therapy. They’ve done studies in which simply placing individuals on a waitlist for therapy improves symptoms. Hope that one will receive therapy, alone, can improve symptoms.

    Yes, it sucks that sometimes you have to go through multiple therapists until you find one that is a great fit, or go through multiple medications until you find one that works. Just like not every first pair of pants you try on fits the best (at least if you’re a woman). Just like not every person you meet becomes your best friend or every person you date becomes your spouse. Not everyone gets along with everyone. Every therapist has a unique approach and THAT’S OK. That’s why people should do research before signing up for therapy. That’s why Psychology Today and Mental Health Match exist. To help you find a therapist who can help you with your symptoms and in a way conducive to your needs.

    I won’t deny there are flaws in the system though. Of course there are. Mental health care IS HEALTHCARE and healthcare has problems in many countries. Not every doctor is a specialist at every disease or condition and many doctors miss illnesses that other doctors are able to diagnose. Mental health is no different.

    As for it being a scam: many therapists make pretty crappy money because of insurance capping the total they will pay. But if therapists don’t take insurance, then they’re labelled as bad, too. Most therapists spend 20+ years paying off their student loans from 4 years of undergrad and a minimal of 2 years of grad school.

    Anyways. You should be ashamed of this article because it is going to drive people away from getting the care they need and you should be concerned that someone will severely hurt themselves as a result of this opinionated pos.

    • Low IQ delusions. You are the ideal mark for a therapist, they can just spout some flowery words like a newspaper horoscope reading and you walk away convinced you’re cured lmao… You will still believe the therapy is working when you’ve been going for 20 years and are still mentally ill (because a witch doctor’s incantations won’t cure a disease in a physical organ any more than they can talk diseased kidneys into being healed).

      There are literally people who claim therapy definitely works, who have been in therapy since childhood, teens, or early adulthood and are now like 35+, still not cured. If you aren’t cured in like a decade of “””””treatment””””” it isn’t working and you’re obviously being scammed. Duh. But like other scam industries the blame is shifted onto the patient. Unlike real treatments from real doctors with a med school degree like chemotherapy etc.

  39. Nah this article speaks real world life thoughts and experience. A therapist is just an idiot pretending they are smart. It’s time people like Brian Kohberger are posted as the classic therapist persona -awkward, want to feel super smart, in it to figure out themselves. Anyways let’s make it clear most are simply delusional they are so smart and they can get away with murder because the pretty genuine person wasn’t impressed with their title. Yes junk job for thirsty awkward peeps dying for a dumb title.

  40. Obvious scam. “Therapists” aren’t even doctors, they just got some BS degree in psychology or something. The brain is the only organ we allow unqualified hacks to manipulate, but I guess it doesn’t matter when the therapy does nothing anyway… The brain is a material organ like the heart or kidneys and ought to be treated through material means.

    People are attached to therapy because they get to talk at someone for an hour and get a “sartori” experience, like what chumps get when they go listen to Jordan Peterson for an hour talk about nonsense in a haze of benzos.

    The magical thinking that special words can cure a brain disease (which mental health conditions should be re-classified as) prevents research into effective physical interventions. After all, why invest billions into studying the brain and physical constituents of X mental illness if we can just let a college dropout administer “CBT” and let people cope with the placebo effect it provides.

    There is something scientifically off about determining a patient’s alleged improvement by their own assessments (they get surveys to check boxes of how much each thing applies to them to show the results – e.g. “have you felt hopeless in the last two weeks?”). People leave TV preacher sermons believing they are cured of diseases also, and would similarly answer in the positive. How is this scientifically sound in any way?

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